Friday, March 9, 2012

bryan and i had just amicably ended our 3 year relationship this past thanksgiving. so i spent it with two of my best friend's, rosie and johaness.  we went to her father's girlfriend's sister's house for dinner where we gorged, drank, and napped. the best part was later that night. we all smoked and then went to best buy to photograph the people waiting in line for black friday deals. it was johaness's idea of course.  johaness loves the american experience and it has been mine and rosie's duty to show the austrian the best time while he's here with us. us three photographers, and her brother, who is a painter, all rode down to best buy. i only brought my favorite, broken, pocket 35 mm. i let the two digital kids go at it. i really didn't even feel like shooting. more just taking everything in and helping them out. the line was wrapped around the entire building at least four or five people deep. they were even showing previews and advertisements on a huge, make-shift screen outside. i kept thinking how i would never be one of the people who did things like that. wait in line all night for some highly discounted, material object? i won't even wait in lines at a theme park they are longer than 10 minutes. quality of time and experience.

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