Sunday, October 25, 2009

day 87

blog exclusive:

i shot Ina yesterday. here are unedited film shots:


Monday, October 19, 2009

day 81

to change it all up, i want to talk about music today.

im gonna talk about my relationship with music.
and talk about a few things related.
and in the process... you'll see why i'm not a writer...

i love music so much that i can physically FEEL it. when i'm listening to it, i can feel it in my gut and throat. this is why i love dancing. dancing feels so good. hearing a really good song makes me move. in a really funny way too. i just dance how i feel. and i feel pretty funny. oh. and im really personal about music too. like most things i love in my life. and i love a lot of things. i can't like a song if too many people like it.

but back to loving music. god. i just LOOOOVE it. dancing is the shit.

so to share some songs that i love that can really really really make me instantly happy atm...

i have placed that little box to the right. its white and blue and has songs in it.

that is my love list. i might not have my ipod updated, or my cds dowloaded, or my mycomputer/ajflame/music updated.... but my IMEEM is ALWAYS updated. almost daily....if the order of the 'songs i really love atm' changes.

i started off havig a lot to say about music...but as i started typing i lost it all because i was dancing on the keyboard to music.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

day 82

more more more.

photography makes m world go round. it makes me fucking excited. there. i said it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

day 71

as previosuly mentioned, i broke out my oktomat and here are the results:

but first... im very sad that only 10 of the 27 pictures came out. but that is the risk you run when working with toy cameras. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

day 65

(?) i hope its day 65.

since my last post i have:

- moved into a new adorable apt. in hyde park
- turned 24
- made $100 at my "eclectic/artsy" yard sale
- re-invented an old D&G ad for a photo shoot
- stabbed myself in the back with my switchblade
- set my finger on fire doing my first flaming dr. pepper
- decided to take up knitting

and that's just the boring stuff.

i've been slow on taking pics. at first i was frantically preparing for my (s
uper successful) yard sale. and now that's over, i'm trying to finish moving into my place. im jumping on it now.

unedited fartsy digital pics for the day:

sneak peek of the new place

sneak peak of the star of my next short coming soon...

worst dog in the entire world and smarter than your 5th grader

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

day 42

ah! fun.

my sister had a photography project due in school... and so, of course, she asked for my help. i didn't help her at all with the projects guidelines. but instead took the camera from her and we started messing around with an old minolta flash with my digital and shot some pretty nifty stuff.

UNEDITED digital pics for the day:

and here i make my debut with my glasses and my wavy hair....

Monday, August 31, 2009

day 34

going to get my thing on at soul night tonight. ive been enjoying each simple day lately. i've been scheduling less and just going with the flow. i move soon so im laying low for the moment.

i decided to throw in some pics ive done some heavy editing on. just for fun. i always share unedited pics, but after the completion of my newest edit, i had to share...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

day 30

my roommate asked me this crazy mathmatical question while i was napping with my head on a gigantic stuffed alligator. i was trying to verbally process her problem. i had no clue what i was saying. "alyssa!" she said. i then put on my glasses...and guess what... i knew the answer. glasses DO make you smarter.

unedited digital pics for the day:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

day 28

im moving again. it always gets a little hectic.

im going to break out my fisheye next and get some really cool's some oldies for now.

unedited film fisheye for the day:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

day 25

i got my glasses on wednesday. now i see everything in HD. they've already been covered in my vomit, dirt and sand, and someone elses shit. we'll see what happens next. (i sanitized them.)

today I hung out with my mom and my sister. we went to the saturday morning market and then thrifting.... they are bigger hipsters than me. but i got some pretty nifty t-shirts.

my mom

my sis (she tattooed herself)

my bff is in town from nyc and we're supposed to get into something later.

I decided to throw some pics in from another project i've been working on.... yup... good old fashioned florida sunsets done right.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

day 22

im really digging this new project i have going on....

unedited digital pics for the day:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

day 16

unedited digital pics for the day: