hehe. so my digital point and shoot camera is bwoken. and it chooses when to be bwooken too. it started at the black friday art show [which was marvelous btw. i helped sarah gail out all day at the vitale studio set up like a store, selling over 50 amazing local artist's work. (including mine!)] and has continued to on and off not-work ever since.
i kinda like it. it's like i have this new lomo camera built in to my crappy point and shoot that chooses when it wants to work. wait until you see the video from it.
so i have this one dream a lot. and a lot of different ways. but it's always the same. i'm always living in, or visiting this awesome house on the beach. the house changes. sometimes it's facing east or west, painted grey or brown, but they always have at least one pool. and i'm always living there with my mom and my sister. i'm having a great time, enjoying this wealth we've never had before. usually doing different water related sports, and next thing you know, this huge wave is coming. and i can always see it. there, in the distance. everyone starts running and screaming. and my first thought is always, "my sister!" and i set out to protect her/grab her/warn her as much i can with such small warning. i always get her. sometimes i even get my mom. we always survive. but the wave always hits us.
haha. the other night i realized that most (if not every single one) of my dreams is about transportation in some way. every single one i have. action. movement. bridges. airplanes. cars. horses. i'm always going somewhere. or trying to get somewhere. getting things done. phew. talk about my whole life. i am always getting things done. i love getting things done. i love my crossed-off to-do lists. i am working on breaking this habit. i tend to feel that if i am not getting things done, i and/or my life, is pointless or worthless. hey. identifying things is the first movement towards growth. GrOOOOOOOwth.
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