all scientifically genius or artistically genius people in history are all slightly to severely "crazy." for them to view the world as they do, how could they not be? but it's only the robots of society, the normies, the filler material, that are calling them crazy. so don't be bothered genii, us half-wits have your back.

i love to drive around at night. its so comforting. i went through a big phase a few months back where that's what i would do to pass evening hours alone. going nowhere. just exploring and thinking. and for some reason i like to pretend i live in a past decade. mostly the 60's and 70's. not just at night though. i pretend this mostly while driving. and i support the habit by listening to the oldies stations and pretend that im smoking cigarettes again. but i read a LOT. my whole life. so i have a big imagination and ADHD. i've got to do something to exercise all the muscles of my brain to their full capacity.
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